Showing 51 Result(s)

Do Video Games Cause Harm to Adolescents?

Whether video games harm adolescents is multifaceted and defies a simple solution. Some evidence indicates that video games may have adverse effects on adolescents, including: There are violent video games, and adolescents whose exposure to such content may develop a more aggressive disposition may exhibit more aggressive behavior.Social isolation: Adolescents who dedicate significant time to …

What Does an Au Pair Do?

An au pair is a young person from another country (usually between 18 and 30) who stays with a host family in another country for up to two years. In return for room and board, a weekly stipend, and the chance to learn about a new country, au pairs watch children and do light housework. …

Childhood Weight Gain

Kids of all ages and income levels are affected by childhood obesity, which is a significant public health problem. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that about 1 in 5 kids and teens in the US are overweight or fat. Many Things Lead to Youth Fat Genetics: Some kids are more likely …