
The Importance of Giving Vitamin K to Infants

Nonetheless, most parents are unaware that their newborns will receive vitamin K shortly after birth. This is because most parents are expecting children. Over the last several decades, this long-standing occurrence has produced no issue; it is simply part of the established routine.

In contrast, I have recently witnessed a tiny but alarming increase in parents refusing to give their children this potentially life-saving inoculation.

Given its role in blood clotting, newborns must have adequate amounts of vitamin K in their systems. When there are insufficient numbers of newborns, they are at risk of dying from hemorrhage.

Proper quantities of clotting components

The vitamin K injection prevents this by maintaining proper quantities of clotting components in the bloodstream.

Phytomenadione, pronounced “fy-to-ma-die-one,” is a synthetic version of vitamin K administered via injection. The endogenous blood clotting factors are similar to this molecule.

Currently, it is the only synthetic form of vitamin K accessible, and it is significantly more potent than other variations.

Infants cannot acquire enough vitamin K from their mother’s breast milk due to a shortage of it. Every newborn should receive a vitamin K injection for various reasons, but this is one of the most crucial.

Essential nutrient throughout the day

It is the only way to ensure they receive an adequate supply of this essential nutrient throughout the day.

Vitamin K deficiency-related bleeding is uncommon in the United States, but when it does occur, it can have serious consequences. These infants have internal bleeding due to their inability to clot, which may disrupt their brains and cause lasting damage.

Furthermore, hemorrhaging in other critical organs, such as the stomach and intestines, might be lethal.

Relevance of this vitamin

In 1944, researchers made an important discovery about the relevance of this vitamin. Since then, it has become a common practice worldwide for neonates to receive an injection of this vitamin shortly after birth.

This preventive precaution is widely believed to have been designed to safeguard children from the hazards associated with difficult births, such as those produced by forceps and cesarean sections.

Contrary to popular opinion, no scientific evidence supports this misconception; however, stressful deliveries may increase the chance of a brain hemorrhage.

Best way to administer the injection

Vitamin K can be administered orally instead of injected into newborns. However, this approach is less successful than injection because the medicine is not fully absorbed by the body. The best way to administer the injection is as a single injection into the leg muscle immediately following birth.

Oral drops can be given in conjunction with newborn screening tests in the hospital or administered later by a physician or healthcare worker. At four weeks, the baby needs a third dose.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) research, if a child does not receive the vaccine, their chances of bleeding increase by 81 times. Late vitamin K deficient hemorrhage, often known as this type of bleeding, can occur under various conditions.

This frequently occurs when a mother fails to nurse her infant or is on certain medications, such as anti-epileptic drugs, specific antibiotics, tuberculosis meds like isoniazid, or blood thinners like warfarin.

Dominic E. is a passionate filmmaker navigating the exciting intersection of art and science. By day, he delves into the complexities of the human body as a full-time medical writer, meticulously translating intricate medical concepts into accessible and engaging narratives. By night, he explores the boundless realm of cinematic storytelling, crafting narratives that evoke emotion and challenge perspectives. Film Student and Full-time Medical Writer for ContentVendor.com