What Are the Connection Standards?  

What Are the Connection Standards?  Relationship standards are the non-negotiable qualities and behaviors you demand from your romantic relationship. They are the ideals and boundaries you set for yourself to have a positive and fulfilling relationship. Establishing relationship rules is critical for several reasons: 
It protects you against poisonous connections. Creating clear standards allows you to see red flags and avoid partners not sharing your values and expectations. 
It encourages self-respect and worthiness. Knowing your worth and what you deserve in a relationship assists you in making better decisions and avoiding accepting less
It fosters improved communication and comprehension. Openly expressing your standards with your partner can help you build trust, avoid misunderstandings, and ensure you’re both on the same page
It leads to more satisfaction in your relationships. When your partner meets your expectations, you are more likely to feel content, valued, and appreciated.

Maintaining positive relationships with friends and family. 

Below are some examples of relational standards: 

  • I value your ideals, thoughts, and opinions. 
  • I will treat you with kindness and consideration. 
  • Ignore insults, put-downs, and negativity.


  • Being honest and transparent. 
  • Maintain pledges and obligations. 
  • Preventing deception and manipulation.


  • Being reliable and trustworthy. 
  • Keep your word and promise. 
  • Avoiding jealousy and possessiveness.


  • Communicating openly and honestly. 
  • Actively listening to and comprehending each other’s perspectives. 
  • Avoid passive-aggressive tactics and the silent treatment.

Emotional Availability:

  • Being emotionally present and engaged in the encounter. 
  • Expressing feelings openly and honestly. 
  • Being supportive and understanding.

Shared Values:

  • Having shared beliefs and opinions on critical issues. 
  • We have common goals and desires. 
  • Respecting each other’s differences.

Healthy Boundaries:

  • Respect each other’s personal space and time. 
  • Maintaining positive relationships with friends and family. 
  • Avoiding codependency and harmful attachments.

Growth and Development:

  • We support each other’s personal growth and goals. 
  • Being open to learning and change.
  • Encourage each other to become the best versions of themselves.

Remember that your relationship expectations are unique to you. There are no correct or incorrect responses, so choose standards that are important to you and reflect your values.

Be willing to compromise on some matters but not your core beliefs. 

Here are some recommendations for setting relationship standards: 
Consider your ideals and needs. What are the most critical aspects of a relationship to you? What are your deal breakers?

  1. Be honest with yourself. Don’t accept less than you deserve. 
  2. Communicate your standards. Discuss your expectations with prospective partners. 
  3. Keep your choices open. Be willing to compromise on some matters but not your core beliefs. 
  4. Don’t be afraid to walk away. If someone fails to meet your expectations, feel free to end the relationship.

Setting healthy relationship standards is essential for finding a partner who respects, loves, and supports you.

Setting healthy relationship standards boosts your chances of finding a partner who shares your values and beliefs. This means you won’t have to compromise your principles or convictions to please your partner, increasing your chances of creating a long-term and meaningful relationship
Furthermore, setting healthy relationship standards can help you avoid toxic relationships, which can be emotionally and mentally draining. When you have defined limitations and expectations, you can quickly identify and manage red flags before they become significant issues
Setting healthy relationship standards is essential for finding a partner who respects, loves, and supports you. It is critical to forming a healthy, fulfilling, and long-lasting relationship. Take the time to consider your values and views and establish clear limits and expectations for your partner’s behavior toward you

About Dominic E.

Film Student and Full-time Medical Writer for ContentVendor.com